Canvas Paintings and Art by Pete Rumney Original Canvas Paintings Hand Painted
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Stunning Pet Portraits Canvas Art Paintings For Every Modern Living Space...

Sunsets on Canvas

Art in the City

Landscape Moods

more coming soon....

Art Commissions
Why not commission your own pet portrait as a canvas painting , give us a call with your ideas:

(0191) 215 9496

Hand Painted Canvas Painting

Hand Painted Canvas Painting

Pet Portraits

If you have a favourite picture or photograph you would like re-created into your perfect pet portrait original canvas art, then I can do that for you. Pet portraits sizes start from 16 x 20 inches and prices start from £1155 depending on complexity of the piece / pet portrait. Why not send us your pictures now and Joanne can provide an immediate quote for you. Timescales for these intricate pieces take from around 15 to 20 days. Any questions about commissioning your new pet portraits please do not hesitate to ask.


Single Canvas (inches) Pet Portraits

16 by 20 - £155.00

24 by 30 - £255.00

30 by 40 - £455.00

36 by 48 - £525.00

 with your photo and size/price for your new pet portrait:

Hand Painted Portait 2011 (C)

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